Yesterday is a history,
Tommorow is a mystery
But today is a gift,
That's why we call it the present

Monday, February 14, 2011


do you believe this picture or do you surprise by this picture?
 do you ever ask yourself "what is the epression i have to make when i see picture like this" in english of course not indonesian?

wanna learn about it?
so if you see picture like this you will not be laugh by other?

Surprise or disbeliefs is :

- a feeling that we feel when we heard an amazing news which surprised and amazed us
- an expression that we show/say when we know/hear/see something that rather 
difficult to believe
- used to express something that we can’t or impossible.

Surprise is expressed in the face by the following features:

* Eyebrows that are raised so they become curved and high.
* Stretched skin below the eyebrows.
* Horizontal wrinkles across the forehead.
* Open eyelids: the upper lid is raised and the lower lid is drawn down, often 
exposing the white sclera above and below the iris.
* Dropped jaw so that the lips and teeth are parted, with no tension around the 

To express surprises :

- Wow! What a surprise! 
- That’s a surprise!
- (Well), that’s very surprising!
- Really?
- What?
- Are you serious? You must be joking!
- You’re kidding!
- Fancy that!
- I must say it surprises me.
- I find that hard to believe.

To Responding The Surprises :

~ Yeah!
~ It is.
~ Yup!
~ Sure.
~ It’s true.
~ I’m Serious.
~ No. I’m not.
~ Does it?
~ It is, isn’t it?

The Examples:

Puput : Whose motorcycle is that?
Maiia : It’s Redha’s
Puput : Are you kidding me?
Maiia : No, I’m not. 
I saw her riding that motorcycle this morning. 
Puput : What a surprise!

Inttan : How can you say that?
Ella : Well, that’s the fact.

~ To Express Disbelief ~

:: I don’t believe it.
:: It can’t be true.
:: I can’t think of it.
:: I don’t trust you.
:: I don’t believe you.
:: I can’t believe this!
:: I didn’t know that.

The Examples:

Ibill : Do you still remember the girl we met yesterday?
Rudy : Yes.
Ibill : I can’t believe my eyes when I saw her selling fried bananas this 
Rudy : Fried bananas?
Ibill : Yes. She looked grievous.
Rudy : I don’t believe you. You must be dreaming. 

Gerry : I can’t believe it!
Oben : That’s true.

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